
Logistics / Freight forwarding for ACHEMA 2024

Transport Instructions and Empties Night

Transport Instructions ACHEMA 2018

By when must the materials arrive at the latest?
What are the exact delivery addresses?
Are there special features for the handling of empties?

All information can be found in the following Transport Instructions for ACHEMA 2024 or in our factsheet about Empties Night.

Prices and order forms

We would be happy to provide our logistics services to help you prepare for and carry out your event or trade fair activities. We bill all orders on a stand-specific basis. We offer volume-based prices for these stand-specific orders, with many services included in the price.

You can find information on rates and current prices here:
Overview and prices for logistics services 2024

Inquiries regarding ancillary services (e.g. packing material, scissor lifts, customs clearances, etc.) should be directed to our logistics partners DHL Global Event Logistics GmbH und DSV Solutions GmbH: Contact details for logistics partners

Ordering logistics services

Ordering logistics services ACHEMA 2018

To order logistics services, simply send us an e-mail or a fax or alternatively use our order forms. In this way, we will receive all the information we need about your order and can attend to it right away.

For direct loading and unloading of trucks (without warehousing) by forklifts, cranes, handling of empties etc. please use the following order form: Logistics Order ACHEMA 2024

For your shipments, that should be handled via our warehouse CARGO CENTER (inbound/outbound), handling of empties etc, please use the following order form: Freighthandling Cargo Center ACHEMA 2024

Forwarding information

Forwarding information and forwarding labels

Our forwarding information contains answers to questions such as:

  • By when do we need to receive your advice notes/orders?
  • By when do the goods need to arrive at the latest?
  • What are the exact delivery addresses?
  • Where should truck drivers report on arrival on the exhibition grounds?

Have our team transport your goods to the front of the trade fair hall using a forklift truck or mobile crane. Alternatively, we can deliver directly to your trade fair stand via our Cargo Center.

More informations:
Delivery of goods in the Cargo Center (PDF)
Direct unloading from the truck to the trade fair stand (PDF)

Cargo Center forwarding labels

Cargo Center forwarding labels ACHEMA 2018

We have prepared forwarding labels for your freight shipments to the Cargo Center. You can fill these on a computer and print them out.

Tip: For freight shipments consisting of several packages, simply enter the total number of packages. Your printer will automatically produce numbered labels for each individual package.

Label ACHEMA 2024

Your contact to the logistics service

If you wish to contact us directly, we would be happy to advise you.

You can reach the Logistics team under the following telephone number and e-mail address:
+49 (0) 69 – 75 75 – 60 75


Parking and traffic regulations for ACHEMA 2024