As a specialist trade fair focusing on professionals in the event industry, Prolight + Sound is not affected by this and will take place as planned from 26 to 29 April 2022, kicking off the Frankfurt trade fair season on the Frankfurt exhibition grounds.
Stephan Kurzawski, Member of the Extended Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt: “We would very much have liked to set up a new event in April with B2C activities relating to the Musikmesse, featuring festival activities from other attractive fields within the cultural and creative sectors, but unfortunately this kind of consumer event is subject to conditions that require a longer planning period. For this reason, we are planning to restructure and expand the B2C event concept for a later point in time.”
The business-to-business section of the Musikmesse is not being continued at present. As Stephan Kurzawski explains: “The market concentration in the musical instruments business – where a small number of online retailers account for over 70% of the market in Germany and neighbouring countries alone – is changing the market and ordering behaviour significantly. This means that it is not commercially viable to organise a B2B trade fair. It has always been part of our long-term Musikmesse strategy to provide more and more content for the general public above and beyond the musical instrument business and, together with people from all over the world, to celebrate a festival of music in Frankfurt. We see formats like the Musikmesse Festival and the Musikmesse Plaza having a bright future as part of a new concept.“
In future, the focus will be on attractive offers that will increase interest among the general public in music and entertainment, that will bring people together for high-calibre concert events and that will allow people to experience the cultural diversity of the Frankfurt region.
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Background information on Messe Frankfurt
The Messe Frankfurt Group is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. The Group employs approximately 2,300* people at its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main and in 30 subsidiaries around the w orld. In 2021, the company had to contend w ith the challenges posed by the pandemic for the second consecutive year. Annual sales will be approximately €140* million after having been as high as €736 million in 2019 before the pandemic. Even in difficult times caused by the coronavirus pandemic, w e are globally netw orked with our industry sectors. We serve our customers’ business interests efficiently within the framework of our Fairs & Events, Locations and Services business fields. One of the Group’s key USPs is its closely knit global sales netw ork, which extends throughout the world. Our comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility w hen planning, organising and running their events. We are expanding our digital expertise w ith new business models. The w ide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. With its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, the company is ow ned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent).
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* Preliminary figures for 2021