The original idea behind this service goes back to the dropshipping trade of the 1950s and experienced a recent boom, not least due to online trading. On Nextrade, dropshipping now offers retailers an optimal service: The brands take care of shipping the products directly to the end customer. They thus offer stores individual purchasing conditions and provide them with all relevant product data. In this way, they enable stationary retailers to look for a product directly on Nextrade and together with the customer, order it, and send it directly to the customer. This reduces any possible loss of time and makes convenience a reality for the customer. This makes the platform even more attractive for the stationary retail trade.
"The dropshipping function is a real added value for our customers, as it can be perfectly integrated into the stationary business. The retailer has access to the brand's entire product range. This means that the service for the end customer can be optimized. Also, the retailer together with the brand use the entire sales potential," says Nicolaus Gedat, Managing Director of nmedia.
Brands wishing to participate in dropshipping are welcome to contact Nextrade (contact@nextrade.market). Buyers can simply click on dropshipping stores in the navigation at www.nextrade.market, make an inquiry with the brand, agree on conditions and have the product shipped directly to the end customer.
Press information and photographic material:
Nextrade – the digital marketplace
The new digital ordering and data management system for suppliers and retailers in the consumer goods industry extends the trade fair and allows orders to be placed at any time of day or night, 365 days a year.
Conzoom Solutions – The platform for retailers
Conzoom Solutions is a knowledge platform that offers the consumer goods industry a wide range of studies, trend presentations, workshops and guidelines for the point of sale. It provides a complete overview of
Messe Frankfurt's international portfolio in the consumer goods sector – bundling a wide range of information for retailers.
Background information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. The Messe Frankfurt Group employs around 2,500* people in a total of 30 subsidiaries. The company generated annual sales of approximately €250* million in 2020, following sales of €738 million in 2019. Even in difficult times caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we are globally networked with our industry sectors. We have close ties with our industry sectors and serve our customers’ business interests efficiently within the framework of our Fairs & Events, Locations and Services business fields. One of the Group’s key USPs is its closely knit global sales network, which extends throughout the world. Our comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events. We are expanding our digital expertise with new business models. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. Headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent).
For more information, please visit our website at: www.messefrankfurt.com
* preliminary figures 2020